Grant SG1,*, McLoughlin RK2, Wenger SL3
*Corresponding Author: Stephen G. Grant, Ph.D., Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh, 3343 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA; Tel.: +412-383-2093; Fax: +412-383-2123; E-mail: sgg@pitt.edu
page: 45


It is difficult to consider this group of patients as a true “population” since they were referred for a variety of reasons, usually including developmental delay and/or various dysmorphologies (Table 1). Our original expecta­tion was that this group of patients might contain an in­creased proportion of individuals with unusually high Mf or otherwise distinctive GPA somatic mutation. We have observed such rare “outliers” with unusually high mutation frequencies [24] in all of our normal populations, includ­ing newborns [4]. Instead, we observed an unusual pheno­type for the group as a whole, with an overall normal total GPA Mf, but a skewing of mutant subclasses towards allele loss and duplication at the expense of simple allele loss. It is easier to discuss these two observations separately, be­fore considering them together.

Increased Frequency of Allele Loss and Duplication Mutants. Only two types of populations have shown an effect on the frequency of allele loss and duplication vari­ants in the GPA assay: a Chinese population exposed to benzene [25] and patients with BS [13,14], WS [15,16] and FA [12,18]. In the DNA repair-deficient patients, however, unlike in our group of patients, there were also concomitant increases in the frequency of allele loss vari­ants. Our pediatric patients may therefore have undergone greater than normal genotoxic exposure, specifically of a type, such as organic solvents, that impacts primarily on the loss and duplication endpoint. Alternatively, they may be particularly susceptible to this type of mutation. The ~1.5-fold increased Mf may not seem particularly remark­able, but increases of this magnitude have been observed in WS carriers [14], FA heterozygotes [12,18] and in spo­radic cancer patients [26].

On the other hand, loss and duplication Mf are gener­ally higher than allele loss Mf over a lifetime [22], with the difference increasing with age, perhaps because the dosage compensation inherent in their mechanisms im­proves their viability. Our patients may simply have an exaggerated separation of these two types of mutations, either due to a subtle change in some regulating mecha­nism or simply due to the small size of the sample group. Nine of the 11 patients had higher loss and duplication Mf than their allele loss Mf, It is interesting to note that the biggest differences between these two endpoints were, in general, more associated with patients with neurological dysfunctions rather than physical dysmorphologies.

Decreased Frequency of Allele Loss and Duplication Mutants. Possible explanations for the relatively low values observed for allele loss Mf in our patients are that they have an unusually low amount of genotoxic exposure, or that they are somewhat resistant to the effects of normal environmental genotoxicity (note that these possibilities are not, in general, consistent with the increased frequency of allele loss and duplication mutants discussed above). Ionizing radiation [27-30] and most genotoxic chemicals [31-33] seem to act exclusively on the allele loss class of mutants in the GPA assay.

Another possibility is that the patient Mf values are not unusual, and that normal controls of the same ages would also show lower than expected allele loss Mf. The only other widely applied method for measuring gene-specific human somatic mutation is the hypoxanthine-quanine phosphoribosyltranserase (HPRT) assay [3,34]. Newborn cord blood HPRT M f values are 10-fold lower than ex­pected from an age regression from adult values [35,36]. This has been interpreted as the protective effect of the maternal placental barrier, which, being lost at birth, al­lows for a sudden increase in point mutations caused by environmental genotoxicants [36]. There is no evidence for a similar effect at the GPA locus, but this may be due more to our newborn population than to the pediatric con­trols. As seen in Fig. 1, our “normal” pediatric controls are not evenly distributed about the age regression from adult values; they actually skew towards lower values as well. It may be important that our newborn GPA values are derived from a study of an indigent population at a univer­sity hospital, and that the HPRT Mf established concur­rently in this population was unusually high [4].

Altered Mutational Spectrum in the Absence of an Increased Mutation Frequency. It would be best if a single explanation could account for both effects on GPA Mf. We have previously argued that, since induced muta­tion occurs against a background of endogenous mutagen­esis, a shift in mutational spectrum must always be associ­ated with an increase in mutation frequency [37]. Other­wise, a compensatory preventive mechanism must occur concurrently with mutation induction, in order for the overall Mf to remain unchanged. There are three examples of significant shifts in mutation spectrum in the literature without concomitant increases in Mf, all involving muta­tion at the HPRT locus: in newborn cord bloods of babies whose mothers were exposed to environmental tobacco smoke [38,39], in patients with FA [12,40,41], and in mouse cells bioengineered to be deficient in the error-prone replication enzyme DNA polymerase z [42]. In the first of these, a meta-analysis [43] showed that the lack of an increased induced Mf was peculiar to the study report­ing the shift in mutational spectrum [38,39], whereas evi­dence from other studies showed induced mutation does occur in newborns of mother exposed to tobacco smoke [44,45]; moreover, while the increases observed in the frequencies of certain types of mutations VDJ (variable-diversity-joining)-recombinase associated deletions, point mutations] were often significant on their own, observed decreases in the frequencies of other types of mutations (random deletions) were never significant. In the second example, the lack of an increase in HPRT Mf has been attributed to the innate inviability of FA cells [46]; the authors suggested that the mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of genotoxic exposures are too similar to separate in these cells. Fanconi’s anemia patients have a significant (50-fold) increase in allele loss mutation at the GPA locus, however [11,18]. In the third example, the induction of DNA damage in polymerase z deficient cells is far more lethal than in normal cells, and the enzyme deficiency produces a shift in the mutational spectrum of viable muta­tions that can be cloned and analyzed.

When these interpretations are applied to the altered pattern of GPA Mf observed in our patients two explana­tions are possible. The first is that we have analyzed a small group of patients, and that the changes we have seen may not be observed in larger studies. The second possi­bility is that cells from some of our patients are simply more vulnerable to cytotoxicity. This could account for the clinical observations and the unusual laboratory find­ings. The sensitivity could arise by a variety of mecha­nisms, differentially affecting different cell types. This explanation also suggests that the subtle somatic muta­tional phenotype we have demonstrated within this popu­lations may only be an indication of much more substan­tial effects that are being masked by excessive cell death. Such an explanation could also be invoked for patients with chromosomal abnormalities, since they also often manifest greater cellular inviability, generally or in spe­cific cell-types.



Figure 1. GPA Mf for 11 pediatric patients with nor­mal karyotype and phenotypic abnormalities of unknown etiology. Total GPA Mf (A), allele loss Mf (B) and allele loss and duplication Mf (C) are shown for these patients (*) and for pediatric controls (o). Results from a study of 114 newborn cord bloods are summarized on the left with bars representing standard deviation for the population (4). Lines represent age regressions derived from a large popu­lation of normal controls (4,21, unpublished results).


Number 27
VOL. 27 (1), 2024
Number 26
Number 26 VOL. 26(2), 2023 All in one
Number 26
VOL. 26(2), 2023
Number 26
VOL. 26, 2023 Supplement
Number 26
VOL. 26(1), 2023
Number 25
VOL. 25(2), 2022
Number 25
VOL. 25 (1), 2022
Number 24
VOL. 24(2), 2021
Number 24
VOL. 24(1), 2021
Number 23
VOL. 23(2), 2020
Number 22
VOL. 22(2), 2019
Number 22
VOL. 22(1), 2019
Number 22
VOL. 22, 2019 Supplement
Number 21
VOL. 21(2), 2018
Number 21
VOL. 21 (1), 2018
Number 21
VOL. 21, 2018 Supplement
Number 20
VOL. 20 (2), 2017
Number 20
VOL. 20 (1), 2017
Number 19
VOL. 19 (2), 2016
Number 19
VOL. 19 (1), 2016
Number 18
VOL. 18 (2), 2015
Number 18
VOL. 18 (1), 2015
Number 17
VOL. 17 (2), 2014
Number 17
VOL. 17 (1), 2014
Number 16
VOL. 16 (2), 2013
Number 16
VOL. 16 (1), 2013
Number 15
VOL. 15 (2), 2012
Number 15
VOL. 15, 2012 Supplement
Number 15
Vol. 15 (1), 2012
Number 14
14 - Vol. 14 (2), 2011
Number 14
The 9th Balkan Congress of Medical Genetics
Number 14
14 - Vol. 14 (1), 2011
Number 13
Vol. 13 (2), 2010
Number 13
Vol.13 (1), 2010
Number 12
Vol.12 (2), 2009
Number 12
Vol.12 (1), 2009
Number 11
Vol.11 (2),2008
Number 11
Vol.11 (1),2008
Number 10
Vol.10 (2), 2007
Number 10
10 (1),2007
Number 9
1&2, 2006
Number 9
3&4, 2006
Number 8
1&2, 2005
Number 8
3&4, 2004
Number 7
1&2, 2004
Number 6
3&4, 2003
Number 6
1&2, 2003
Number 5
3&4, 2002
Number 5
1&2, 2002
Number 4
Vol.3 (4), 2000
Number 4
Vol.2 (4), 1999
Number 4
Vol.1 (4), 1998
Number 4
3&4, 2001
Number 4
1&2, 2001
Number 3
Vol.3 (3), 2000
Number 3
Vol.2 (3), 1999
Number 3
Vol.1 (3), 1998
Number 2
Vol.3(2), 2000
Number 2
Vol.1 (2), 1998
Number 2
Vol.2 (2), 1999
Number 1
Vol.3 (1), 2000
Number 1
Vol.2 (1), 1999
Number 1
Vol.1 (1), 1998



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