IN THE TURKISH POPULATION Guzel AI, Yilmaz MB, Demirhan O, Pazarbasi A, Kocaturk-Sel S, Erkoc MA,
Inandiklioglu N, Ozgunen FT, Sariturk C *Corresponding Author: Associate Professor Ali Irfan Guzel, Department of Medical Biology and
Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Rize University, 53100, Rize, Turkey; Tel.: +90-464-212-30-09; Fax: +90-
464-212-30-15; E-mail: aliirfanguzel@hotmail.com page: 11
Pregnant women who are at increased risk of
chromosome abnormalities (usually due to maternal
age, altered serum metabolites, or ultrasound abnormalities
in fetus), undergo invasive sampling, either
amniotic fl uid (AF), chorionic villus (CV) or, rarely,
fetal blood (FB). Cells from these samples are used
either for full karyotype analysis or for DNA extraction,
which would be used in molecular studies to
detect numerical chromosome anomalies or specifi c
gene mutations by quantitative fl uorescent-polymerase
chain reaction (QF-PCR) or real time PCR,
respectively [1]. Prenatal diagnosis of common chromosomal aneuploidies is routinely achieved
by standard cytogenetic techniques. In these procedures,
fetal cells must be cultured for up to 2 (or
more) weeks before analysis. Therefore, the duration
of these processes is the major disadvantage of
these techniques. A rapid diagnosis is of paramount
importance in the case of a fetus with abnormal ultrasound
fi ndings, which may, in most cases, suggest
an aneuploidy for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, or
X (the most common chromosomal aneuploidies)
[2]. In the early 1990s, fl uorescence in situ hybridization
(FISH) and, more recently, QF-PCR, has
been introduced to the fi eld of prenatal diagnosis to
overcome the need of fetal cell culturing that also
allows rapid diagnosis of the most common chromosomal
anomalies, thereby enabling physicians to
manage the pregnancy of an abnormal fetus at an
earlier time of gestation [3]. The QF-PCR method
is based on PCR amplifi cation of selected chromosome-
specifi c short tandem repeat (STR) markers
[4,5]. During the amplifi cation process, a fl uorochrome
is incorporated into the amplifi ed products
that can be visualized and quantifi ed accurately as
peaks on automated DNA scanners. Normal heterozygous
subjects for a specifi c chromosome are
expected to have two peaks where the area below
the peaks are at a 1:1 ratio. The trisomies, however,
are visualized either as three peaks with a 1:1:1
ratio (trisomic triallelic subjects) or as two peaks
with a 2:1 ratio (trisomic diallelic subjects) when
comparing the peak areas of a specifi c STR marker
[4]. Parental origin of the aneuploidy can also be
deduced by comparing the fetal allele sizes in base
pairs with parental allele sizes in base pairs [4,6,7].
Quantitative fl uorescent-PCR is increasingly being
considered and proposed as a complementary investigation,
or even as an alternative to conventional
cytogenetic analysis for prenatal diagnosis in most
clinical settings [8-10]. In summary, we report the
results of multiplex (employing two or more sets of
primers in one reaction condition) QF-PCR applied
to 1874 pregnancies for the detection of the most
prevalent autosomal and sex chromosome aneuploidies
or euploidies.
Number 27 VOL. 27 (1), 2024 |
Number 26 Number 26 VOL. 26(2), 2023 All in one |
Number 26 VOL. 26(2), 2023 |
Number 26 VOL. 26, 2023 Supplement |
Number 26 VOL. 26(1), 2023 |
Number 25 VOL. 25(2), 2022 |
Number 25 VOL. 25 (1), 2022 |
Number 24 VOL. 24(2), 2021 |
Number 24 VOL. 24(1), 2021 |
Number 23 VOL. 23(2), 2020 |
Number 22 VOL. 22(2), 2019 |
Number 22 VOL. 22(1), 2019 |
Number 22 VOL. 22, 2019 Supplement |
Number 21 VOL. 21(2), 2018 |
Number 21 VOL. 21 (1), 2018 |
Number 21 VOL. 21, 2018 Supplement |
Number 20 VOL. 20 (2), 2017 |
Number 20 VOL. 20 (1), 2017 |
Number 19 VOL. 19 (2), 2016 |
Number 19 VOL. 19 (1), 2016 |
Number 18 VOL. 18 (2), 2015 |
Number 18 VOL. 18 (1), 2015 |
Number 17 VOL. 17 (2), 2014 |
Number 17 VOL. 17 (1), 2014 |
Number 16 VOL. 16 (2), 2013 |
Number 16 VOL. 16 (1), 2013 |
Number 15 VOL. 15 (2), 2012 |
Number 15 VOL. 15, 2012 Supplement |
Number 15 Vol. 15 (1), 2012 |
Number 14 14 - Vol. 14 (2), 2011 |
Number 14 The 9th Balkan Congress of Medical Genetics |
Number 14 14 - Vol. 14 (1), 2011 |
Number 13 Vol. 13 (2), 2010 |
Number 13 Vol.13 (1), 2010 |
Number 12 Vol.12 (2), 2009 |
Number 12 Vol.12 (1), 2009 |
Number 11 Vol.11 (2),2008 |
Number 11 Vol.11 (1),2008 |
Number 10 Vol.10 (2), 2007 |
Number 10 10 (1),2007 |
Number 9 1&2, 2006 |
Number 9 3&4, 2006 |
Number 8 1&2, 2005 |
Number 8 3&4, 2004 |
Number 7 1&2, 2004 |
Number 6 3&4, 2003 |
Number 6 1&2, 2003 |
Number 5 3&4, 2002 |
Number 5 1&2, 2002 |
Number 4 Vol.3 (4), 2000 |
Number 4 Vol.2 (4), 1999 |
Number 4 Vol.1 (4), 1998 |
Number 4 3&4, 2001 |
Number 4 1&2, 2001 |
Number 3 Vol.3 (3), 2000 |
Number 3 Vol.2 (3), 1999 |
Number 3 Vol.1 (3), 1998 |
Number 2 Vol.3(2), 2000 |
Number 2 Vol.1 (2), 1998 |
Number 2 Vol.2 (2), 1999 |
Number 1 Vol.3 (1), 2000 |
Number 1 Vol.2 (1), 1999 |
Number 1 Vol.1 (1), 1998 |